Kelly’s Modalities

Thai massage: is a type of full body massage that uses a mixture of deep tissue pressure, muscle and joint stretching, and gentle adjustments of the body. Kelly practices four different styles of Thai massage.

Prenatal massage: is a gentle, therapeutic massage that’s designed to relieve pain and discomfort during pregnancy. Prenatal massages are intended to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being of Mama and also baby!

Carpal tunnel massage: can help break down scar tissue in the carpal tunnel ligament in the hands and wrist. This can help relieve painful symptoms like numbness, tingling & limited grip strength. These massage techniques alleviate pressure on the wrist tendons and median nerve and provide relief.

Plantar fasciitis massage: techniques and stretching can help stretch the plantar fascia and increase blood flow to the area, which can promote healing.

Myofascial release therapy: is a type of gentle, constant massage that releases tightness and pain throughout your myofascial tissues. This type of massage encompasses deep but gentle trigger point release and steady form pressure.

๐ŸŒˆMyo-Thai~: My specialty that only I practice! I created this routine. It is table top and a combination of deep tissue/therapeutic myofascial work (which is traditional) and table Thai massage! My clients rave about it! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š

Scar release massage: also known as scar tissue mobilization or scar tissue release (STR), is a specialized massage technique that helps improve the condition and mobility of scar tissue. It involves a variety of manual techniques to: Break up adhesions, Reduce restrictions, Promote healing, Decrease discomfort, and Reduce dark coloring or congestion of scar tissue. Scar release massage can help prevent scars from becoming hard and raised, and from sticking to underlying tissues. It can also help decrease pain and itching as the scar heals.