Therapeutic Massage: a unique blend of therapeutic techniques. muscle energy, deep tissue, lymph drainage, trigger point, acupressure and restorative stretch. Helps the reduce chronic pain and promote healing. This service can be preformed with light to deep pressure. Most clients say it a hurt so good feeling.
Himalayan Retreat: Himalayan hot stones helps to release negative energy and warm up the muscles to allow a deeper release of tight muscle tension with a unique blend of therapeutic techniques, muscle energy, lymph drainage, trigger point, acupressure and restorative stretch. Helps the reduce chronic pain and promote healing. This service can be preformed with light to deep pressure. Most clients say it a soothing hurts so good feeling.

Moving cups: uses silicone cups to pull an area of skin into a suction that decompresses muscles and connective tissue. This promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation and helps to increase the body’s own healing processes — almost like a backward deep tissue massage. This is only for the clients who like deep tissue and deep pressure.